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Driver negligence causes accidents in Maryland

On Behalf of | Oct 3, 2024 | Personal Injury

People in the state of Maryland are not allowed to operate a motor vehicle without a valid permit or license. As a licensed driver, you have an obligation to adhere to all driving laws and regulations. If you fail to adhere to these rules, you could be found liable for any accident in which you are involved.

When a driver fails to follow the law, it is considered a driver error. Driver errors can constitute as negligence, or a breach of the driver’s legal duty to operate their vehicle safely.

Common driver errors include:

  • Failure to stop at a stop sign.
  • Falling asleep behind the wheel.
  • Texting while driving or other distracted driving activities.
  • Exceeding the speed limit.

In addition to the driver’s breach of a duty, the victim of the accident must establish that the driver’s negligence actually and proximately caused their injuries.

Proving negligence with evidence

The evidence you need to prove your negligence-based personal injury claim after an accident will depend on the circumstances surrounding the accident. Some of the most useful evidence may include:

  • Police reports providing information about the accident, and any traffic violations committed.
  • Eyewitness testimony from people at the scene of the accident.
  • Photo and video evidence from the scene of the accident.
  • Physical evidence from the scene of the accident (e.g., skid marks or debris).
  • Testimony from medical professionals regarding your injuries.
  • Testimony from accident reconstructionists regarding the logistics of the accident.
  • Medical reports, pay stubs, and other documentation to establish your injuries and damages.

If an accident victim successfully proves their negligence claim, they may recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, emotional distress, and pain and suffering. However, Maryland is a contributory negligence state. This means that if an accident victim is even partially responsible for their own accident, they will not be able to recover damages.